At our remote project meeting on 23 January 2025, we finalised the first draft of the module ‘Teach’ as a team.
This contains the learning units ‘Teach case studies in VET traditional’ and ‘Teach case studies in VET with digital aspects’. Everything is now being prepared so that VET teachers can evaluate this module. Feedback from these commercial teachers will enable us to improve the tool to suit the target group.
From the 27th to the 29th of November we met as a project team in Antwerp.
There we completed the development of the 'Design' module for this phase. We also had an intensive exchange about the planned design of the module 'Teach' and discussed ideas for the design of the individual learning nuggets. Together we developed approaches to create the optimal learning content for vocational teachers.
In addition to the development of our content, the teamwork between us was also a key aspect. Through open dialogue and exchange, we were able to further strengthen the potential of our collaborative working methods and give new impulses to the project work. As an Erasmus+ project, cultural exchange was an equally important part of the meeting. Together we brought the European idea to life in our project.
On the 11th of October 2024, we met as a project team and recapitulated and evaluated the first survey of teachers. From this, we identified improvements for the learning nuggets, which are now being implemented.
We also initiated the upcoming development of the ‘Teach’ module with its learning units ‘Teach case studies in VET traditional’ and ‘Teach case studies in VET with digital aspects’.
By the end of July 2024, we as a team had developed the learning nuggets for the module ‘Design’. We approved these in our online meeting on 15th of August. At this meeting, we also discussed the first survey of teachers in September. It is important to us to involve the target group right from the start in order to develop a product that is as fitting as possible to their needs.
They will now utilise and evaluate the module ‘Design’.
We are pleased to inform you that the first version of the English learning nuggets for the learning unit "Design traditional case studies for VET" has been successfully created.
In our virtual meeting on 06.06.2024 we have exchanged and agreed on the products. With the development of the first part of the "Design" module completed, we are now focussing on the development of the second learning unit "Digital potential when designing case studies for VET".
On 12 April 2024, the project group and Critical Friends met virtually again.
At this meeting, the structure of the TeC@ses tool was finally agreed. The individual teams also selected the elements for which they aimed to create the content for the e-learning platform. They now have the task of creating the first draft of the learning nuggets for the module "Design" in an engaging and didactically valuable way for the vocational teachers.
What constitutes the digitalisation of case studies? What do teachers need to know in order to be able to use case studies in the classroom? How should our TeC@ses tool be structured?
From 14 February to 16 February 2024, we addressed these questions at the first transnational project meeting in Prague. At this meeting, we were able to get to know each other personally as a team and expand our trust-based working atmosphere. We also defined milestones and work packages for the upcoming period. On this basis, we are now focussing on the concrete development of the tool concept with its learning units.
On the 8th of December 2023, the virtual kick-off meeting brought us project participants from Belgium, Germany, Finland and the Czech Republic together for the first time. Different levels of experience and different competences, with the common goal of creating the innovative e-learning platform for commercial vocational teachers. With the project's focus on utilising digital tools in communication, the decision to hold a virtual event was an immediate one. Together, we looked at the goals of the project and how to achieve them. With the scheduling of another virtual meeting in January and the first steps in the project, we are now looking forward to the time ahead.