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Process phase Background & Company description

In this phase you should provide a comprehensive overview of the company or industry relevant to your case study. Highlight the company's structure, key personnel, and its economic status. This section should include the company’s history and evolution, a snapshot of its industry and market position, insights into its organizational structure and culture, and essential financial or operational data. Providing this context is crucial as it helps students grasp the broader environment surrounding the problem, offers critical information for their analysis, and helps them identify factors that might be impacting the central issue.

You can underlay this digitally in various ways. How? You'll learn that in these learning nuggets:

Link to the learning nugget "Online Databanks".

Link to the learning nugget "Podcasts".

Link to the learning nugget "Videos/Screencasts".

Link to the learning nugget "Dataanalysis tools".

Link to the learning nugget "Media editing software".

Link to the learning nugget "Presentation software".


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       Digital potential when designing case studies for VET.

       The main page of the TeC@ses tool.